This site was build using the jekyll-scholar plugin (version 7.1.3):

$ gem list | grep scholar
jekyll-scholar (7.1.3)

This post describes how this plugin can be used to cite BibTeX references stored in .bib files on a website built with Jekyll.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Install jekyll-scholar plugin:

$ gem install jekyll-scholar

2. Add gem 'jekyll-scholar', group: :jekyll_plugins to ./Gemfile.

3. Create ./_plugins directory and write: require 'jekyll/scholar' to ext.rb file.

4. Set the jekyll-scholar plugin configuration settings in ./_config.yml, this site uses:

# jekyll-scholar plugin settings
  style: apa
  locale: en
  sort_by: none
  order: ascending
  source: ./_bibliography
  bibliography: simple.bib
  bibliography_template: ""
  replace_strings: true
  join_strings:    true
  details_dir:    bibliography
  details_layout: bibtex.html
  details_link:   Details
  query: "@*"

5. Create ./_bibliography directory and add some .bib files to it, for example simple.bib:

   title     = {The Ruby Programming Language},
   author    = {Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro},
   year      = {2008},
   publisher = {O'Reilly Media}

   title     = {Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns},
   author    = {Kent Beck},
   year      = {1996},
   publisher = {Prentice Hall}

6. Finally, add some content markdown files to _posts directory for testing. See the post ./_posts/ as an example.